Driver Detective

Next, Driver Detective takes the information from the “Machine Intelligence” and Driver Scanning Engine (DSE) and matches this information with our proprietary database and recommends appropriate driver or software updates for your device. These recommendatiosn are based on years of information gathering from users just like you and the manufacturer of you computer system.

Device Update Installation
In most cases updating a device is as simple as selecting the download icon and following instructions. Our integrated support services are available in those instances where updating your device is not so clear.

Integrated Customer Support
PC Drivers HeadQuarters has a well-trained and experienced support staff available to help you at each step along the way through integrated customer support tools and self help knowledge based articles to help you with the installation process.

Future Support and Services
The PC Drivers HeadQuarters team is constantly researching and finding new device updates daily so that you can routinely scan you computer to see if new updates are available without the time consuming process of searching the internet.

Our research has found that a person will reload their computer system once every 2 years and that is assuming they do not get a virus. One of the added benefits of using our service is there is always a online back up of your drivers in our database.

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