MicroPool (Game for Nokia)

MicroPool, available for some time on the smaller-screened S60 2nd Edition devices, has been well and truly overhauled for this, a 240 by 320 pixel version for a number of S60 3rd Edition devices - I tried it on the N95 and N93. See the download page above for the developer's quoted compatibility.

I'm a bit of computer pool freak, I'll admit, spending dozens of hours a month on Virtual Pool Mobile last year, so hopefully I can spot any strengths or weaknesses in a particular implementation. First impressions of MicroPool 2007 are very good, with a slick setup screen, giving choices between '9 ball' (where balls have to be potted in a particular order), 'US 8 ball' (where you have to stick to spots or stripes - similar to usual UK rules), 'Speed' (as it sounds, a solitaire mode to test your skill and speed) and 'Killer' (where you and the computer each get five misses allowed, after which your opponent wins). Each game can be played with a 'Light' or 'Full' ball set, depending on how full you want the table to be.

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