Cara Mengganti Akun Email Blog

Sebenarnya, secara resmi tidak ada cara untuk mengganti email login ke akun blogger. Silakan cek jawaban resmi Blogger dari pertanyaan:
How do I change the login name or password on my Google Account?

Disitu disebutkan bahwa memang ada fasilitas untuk mengubah password, tetapi tidak ada fasilitas untuk mengubah email yang digunakan untuk login ke akun google.
Oleh karena itu, untuk mengganti email yang kita gunakan untuk login ke akun blogger, kita perlu melakukan sedikit trik.
Trik ini terinsiparasi dari jawaban pertanyaan resmi dari:
How do I move a blog between accounts?

Secara garis besar, cara mengganti email yang digunakan untuk login pada blogger atau blogspot adalah dengan mengundang akun blogger yang lain (misalnya AkunBaru) untuk menjadi anggota tim lalu memberikannya admin privileges, lalu dari AkunBaru tersebut, kita hapus akun blogger yang lama (AkunLama) sehingga untuk selanjutnya, alamat email yang digunakan untuk login (masuk) ke akun blogger kita adalah alamat email yang baru (AkunBaru).
Bagaimana? Sudah ada gambaran? Atau tambah bingung?
Kalo masih bingung, lanjutin bacanya yaa..

Misalkan anda ingin mengganti email login ke blog anda dari AkunLama menjadi AkunBaru.
Langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Buatlah alamat email gmail baru atau gunakan alamat email yang sudah ada yang akan digunakan untuk login (misalkan, AkunBaru)
  2. Masuklah ke akun blogger lama anda (AkunLama).
  3. Klik Pengaturan > Izin
  4. Klik tombol MENAMBAH PENULIS
  5. Undanglah AkunBaru untuk menjadi untuk menjadi penulis.
Langkah selanjutnya dilakukan pada AkunBaru:
  1. Masuklah ke akun email AkunBaru. Agar tidak repot logout dan login lagi, gunakan 2 browser yang berbeda untuk membuka kedua akun tsb. Misalnya Internet Explorer untuk membuka AkunLama dan Firefox atau Opera atau Safari untuk membuka AkunBaru.
  2. Bukalah email yang berisi undangan dan konfirmasikan kesediaan anda untuk menjadi penulis pada blog milik AkunLama.
  3. Ikuti langkah-langkah selanjutnya.
  4. Selanjutnya, kembali lagi ke AkunLama..
  5. Refreshlah halaman Pengaturan > Izin dan anda akan mendapati AkunBaru sudah menjadi salah satu dari penulis blog anda.
  6. Berikan admin previleges pada AkunBaru dengan mengklik berikan previlese admin.
Masuklah ke akun blogger anda yang baru yaitu AkunBaru.
  1. Pilih Pengaturan > Izin.
  2. Disitu anda akan menemukan dua orang penulis, yaitu AkunLama dan AkunBaru.
  3. Hapuslah AkunLama, sehingga satu-satunya penulis dari blog tersebut adalah AkunBaru.
  4. Untuk selanjutnya, apabila anda ingin masuk atau login ke blog tersebut, anda harus menggunakan email AkunBaru.
Misi Selesai..

Sedikit ribet memang, tetapi semoga trik blogger ini bisa sedikit menjawab pertanyaan kita mengenai kemungkinan mengubah alamat yang digunakan untuk login ke blog kita.
Cara ini pernah saya coba, sehingga artikel ini saya terbitkan. Sebelumnya saya meggunakan akun Yahoo dan langsung saya ganti ke Gmail.

Semoga bermanfaat.....

DtSearch Desktop v7.68.8005

DtSearch Desktop provides instant searching of desktop-accessible files. dtSearch can instantly search terabytes of text because it builds a search index that stores the location of words in documents. Indexing is easy — simply select folders or entire drives to index and dtSearch does the rest. Once dtSearch has built an index, it can automatically update it using the Windows Task Scheduler to reflect additions, deletions and modifications to your document collection. Updating an index is even faster, since dtSearch will check each file, and only reindex files that have been added or changed.

The dtSearch indexer automatically recognizes and supports all popular file formats, and never alters original files. The dtSearch product line can instantly search terabytes of text across a desktop, network, Internet or Intranet site. dtSearch products also serve as tools for publishing, with instant text searching, large document collections to Web sites or CD/DVDs.

  1. A scrolling word list, for instant feedback as you type in a search.
  2. A look-up word feature, detailing the effect of fuzzy, phonic, wildcard, stemming and thesaurus search options.
  3. Browse and customize thesaurus options.
  4. A field button, showing all indexed document fields.
  5. A search history display.
  6. Search reports, showing hits in retrieved documents, along with the requested amount of context.
  7. Clipboard options, file launching, and other tools for working with retrieved data.
  8. Exporting of search results in various data formats, for easy use with other programs.
  9. Special forensic indexing and searching tools

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Download DtSearch Desktop v7.68.8005

Joboshare Video Converter 2 and serial number

Joboshare Video Converter is an attractive and intuitive program that allows users to convert videos between many different formats. With its sleek design and useful features, it's a great choice for quickly and easily converting videos.

The program's interface is well designed, with attractive buttons and drop-down menus allowing access to its major functions. Users simply select the video or videos they wish to convert, select the format (or "profile" as the program calls it) that they want to use, and the program converts the files.

We were impressed with the variety of formats that the program supports; it is perhaps the most comprehensive we've seen, with everything from basic MPG and AVI files to formats specific to Apple, Blackberry, and other operating systems. We liked that the program gives users the option to choose the optimal format for their needs, as well as the fact that it has a built-in video preview feature.

The program also allows users to choose a zoom format and to set options for splitting videos when they need to be stored on multiple CDs and DVDs. The program's weak spot was its built-in Help file, which was brief and not particularly detailed, but the vast majority of the program's features are self-explanatory. Overall, we thought Joboshare Video Converter was both effective and easy to use.

Joboshare Video Converter is free to try, but some features are disabled in the trial version. The program installs desktop icons without asking but uninstalls cleanly. We recommend this program to all users.

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Download Joboshare Video Converter 2 and serial number

Hitman Pro 3.5.9 build 124

The main purpose of Hitman Pro 3.5.9 build 124 is the addition of the Cloud Assisted Miniport Hook Bypass feature.

“In the past weeks, we noticed an increase in highly advanced rootkits such as Mebroot, Sinowal and TDL4 who were trying to defeat detection by Hitman Pro” according to Mark Loman, CEO of SurfRight. “With this new release we are able to better detect and remove these sophisticated threats.”

The most important features in this new version are:
  1. Cloud Assisted Miniport Hook Bypass feature.
  2. Mebroot/Sinowal detection and removal.
  3. Removal of new variant of Trojan Vundo.
  4. Master Boot Record (MBR) protection when restoring infected MBR to counter rootkit watchdogs.
  5. Repair for BCD testsigning. Testsigning is a feature of 64-bit Windows that, when enabled, allows loading of non-signed drivers on 64-bit Windows. Testsigning is typically abused by 64-bit bootkits.

The full release notes and changelog of Hitman Pro 3.5.9 build 124 can be found on

Existing users of Hitman Pro will automatically be updated to the latest version in the next few days.

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Download Hitman Pro 3.5.9 build 124

Direct Update v4.6.6.199 Multilingual and keygen

DirectUpdate - Allows you to change a dynamic IP-address to the permanent address of the form As is known, dial-up connection (and for some others too) to the Internet in each communication session are allocated different computer IP-address. DirectUpdate can make it so that it will be permanent and easy to remember (DNS-like) address. Additional features include the ability to chime with disconnection, remote control, sending notifications by e-mail and much more, including the installation of Windows 2K/XP/2003/Vista/7 as a service.

DirectUpdate killer features' are:
- Full NT service (NT4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7) and service-like (98/Me).
- Remote administration.
- Secured (SSL or MD5) updates (when supported by server).
- Built-in administration web server.
- Supports many accounts.
- Supports many IP addresses simultaneously (ISP, VPN, ...)
- EMail notification, FTP upload, RAS connection management...
- Designed for Windows XP" and "Certified for Windows Vista" logo

What's new in 4.6.6:
• Added
• Added
• Added
• Added
• Added ZoneEdit legacy
• Added EasyDNS Caprica
• Fixed dns plug-in reporting incorrect result
• Fixed a crash in SockEx
• Fixed
• Updated openssl to v1.0.0.d

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Download Direct Update v4.6.6.199 Multilingual and keygen

FileZilla Server 0 9 39

FileZilla Server is a free, open source FTP server for Microsoft Windows. Its source code is hosted on

A user connections manager in FileZilla Server — displayed along the bottom of the window — allows the administrator to view currently connected users and their uploads/downloads. At present, there are two operations the owner of the server can do to those transfers — to "kill" the client session or to "ban" the user's IP address. This manager shows the real-time status of each active file transfer. Filezilla Server supports FTP and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS). It includes numerous functionalities:

* Upload and download bandwidth limits
• Compression
• Encryption with SSL/TLS (for FTPS)
• Message log (for debugging and real-time traffic information)
• Limit access to internal LAN traffic or external internet traffic only

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Download FileZilla Server 0 9 39


AnyDVD is a driver, which descrambles DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well. With the help of AnyDVD you can watch movies with non matching region codes with every DVD Player Software you like! AnyDVD HD comes with same functionality as AnyDVD, but with additional features for full Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD support, including decryption of Blu-ray (BD+ and AACS) and HD DVD (AACS) movies and removes HDCP.

Version history:

  1. New (Blu-ray): Support for AACS MKB v25
  2. New (Blu-ray): Added new "Online Protection Database"
  3. New (Blu-ray): Faster processing of BD+ protected discs
  4. New (Blu-ray): Faster remastering of Java discs
  5. New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protection
  6. New (Blu-ray): Support for new Java based protection
  7. New (Blu-ray): Updated decryption keys
  8. New (Blu-ray): No longer tries to perform Java fixes on unprotected discs / images
  9. New (DVD): Support for new copy protections
  10. New (DVD): AI scanner improvements
  11. New (DVD): AI scanner uses the new "Online Protection Database"
  12. Change (DVD): Removed obsolete old copy protection removal method
  13. Fix (Blu-ray): BD+ firmware warning with some discs
  14. Fix (DVD): Bug introduced in AnyDVD version, PS18 error with some discs
  15. Fix (DVD): Bug introduced in AnyDVD version, IFOTitles 3 error with some discs
  16. Fix (DVD): Bug introduced in AnyDVD version, older RipGuard protected titles didn't work anymore
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AIscanner, causing some discs not to decrypt properly
- Some minor fixes and improvements

All features / Full description:

  1. Works automatically in the background
  2. Removes encryption (CSS) and region code (RPC) from DVDs
  3. Removes analogue copy protection (Macrovision)
  4. Removes features such as forced subtitles and warnings
  5. Decrypts without the need to save the data onto your hard-disk
  6. Decrypts 'on the fly'
  7. Prevents automatic launching of 'PC-friendly' software on video DVDs
  8. Allows adjustment of your monitor refresh rate for both NTSC and PAL monitors
  9. Allows execution of external programs on disc insertion and removal
  10. Allows speed control of your DVD drives
  11. Compatible with all DVD media
  12. Works with all DVD-drives, regardless of region code
  13. Works with all DVD copying, such as CloneDVD, and all DVD player software
  14. Works transparently for the operating system: DVDs can be shared over the network and copied with the command prompt or with Windows Explorer, etc.
  15. Proven to be stable and fast and does not require an ASPI driver
  16. Provides its own Universal Disk Format (UDF) reader. Discs which cannot be read by Windows can be copied using the AnyDVD ripper.
  17. Features AnyCDDA: play, copy and rip protected audio CDs

Features Blu-Ray

  1. Same features as regular AnyDVD
  2. Removes encryption (AACS) from Blu-ray Discs.
  3. Removes BD+ copy protection from Blu-ray Discs.
  4. Removes region codes from Blu-ray Discs.
  5. Watch movies over digital display connection, without HDCP-compliant graphics card and without HDCP-compliant display.
  6. The "must have" utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
  7. Provides its own Universal Disk Format (UDF) reader, no need to install 3rd party filesystem. Discs which cannot be read by Windows can be copied using the AnyDVD ripper.

Features HD DVD

  1. Same features as regular AnyDVD
  2. Removes encryption (AACS) from HD DVDs
  3. Watch movies over digital display connection, without HDCP-compliant graphics card and without HDCP-compliant display.
  4. Playback of discs on the PC with PowerDVD Ultra which otherwise do not run.
  5. Removes user prohibitions, you can select the language and subtitle track without going through the disc's menu.
  6. Removes parental restrictions.
  7. Allows you to remove or skip Studio Logos and warning messages.
  8. With "magic file replacement™" you can remaster any commercial movie disc using simple XML scripts.
  9. The "must have" utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
  10. Provides its own Universal Disk Format (UDF) reader, no need to install 3rd party filesystem. Discs which cannot be read by Windows can be copied using the AnyDVD ripper.
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Download AnyDVD.HD.

Advanced Registry Clear v2.1.8.2 and patch

Advanced Registry Clear is an easy-to-use, decent and high-efficiency registry cleaner and optimizer that fixes all your registry errors, system bugs and other common problems and sweeps Internet tracks, IE cookies, temporary Doc files, etc. to make your PC and your personal information more stable and securer.

Why Choose Advanced Registry Clear?

    • All-in-one

        Combined registry scan and repair with system optimizer, privacy sweep and other utilities such as disk checker, disk cleaner, file pulverizer…, Advanced Registry Clear can meet all your needs of registry software: streamlining registry, improving system, protecting privacy, and more, just imagine.

    • Fast & Professional

        Advanced Registry Clear keeps itself focused on offering the best free registry cleaner and optimizer, and with the continuous introduction of new and advanced technology into it, Advanced Registry Clear is capable of integrating and optimizing your registry in just a few minutes.

    • 100% safe and free

        Advanced Registry Clear would like to allow users to enjoy the free software, clean and safe PC environment. There is no adware, no spyware, no viruses in it, and it will never let you down.

    • Extremely easy to use

        With the intuitive interface, simple and clear navigation, even the novice can immediately handle Advanced Registry Clear.

    • Fully Automated

        Advanced Registry Clear has a time scheduler and carries out regular automated scan and sweep of your system. This considerable app makes every effort to save your time.

Оperating System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7(32-bit and 64-bit).

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Silaq Semeton Jeri Download

The Bat! 5.0.14 Final-Home edition

The Bat is an e-mail application that supports multiple POP3 accounts, true multithreading, MIME and UUencode standards, multimedia, message templates, minimization to the system tray, message notification, APOP authorization, and PGP. You also will find a fast and comfortable message editor with text highlighting, as well as a mail dispatcher for managing messages on servers. English, Russian, German, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Italian, Lithuanian and Romanian interfaces are built in, as is a multilingual spelling checker. The application's other features include automatic dial-up networking (configurable for multiple accounts) and the option to include a photo with each address-book entry. There also are enhancements, such as message coloring, flagging, advanced filtering, speed improvements, and virus protection. The Bat! mail client has a lot of vital benefits and useful features that make your email experience simple and convenient. All these features perfectly fit any Windows OS.

High-level system of e-communication messages processing with intuitive interface and strong privacy protection. Perfectly meets Microsoft Corp.

    * The Bat! Home Edition has almost every feature that a user may require; it is an ideal solution for common users who do not demand extra features.

The Bat!’s benefits are:

    • Protection of privacy.
    • Anti-virus defense.
    • Smart Sorting Office.
    • Handy Message Templates.
    • Quick Templates.
    • Message Parking.
    • Built-In Backup and Restore.
    • Updating and Installing.
    • Strong Encryption.
    • Mail Synchronization.
    • Microsoft Exchange Connectivity.
    • Extended Support of National Codepages.
    • Convenient Message Dispatcher.
    • Fast Address Book.
    • Multilanguage Interface.
    • Image Viewing.
    • Submission Forms.
    • Runs on any Windows PC.
    • Powerful Import Wizard.

The Bat! allows to import messages from the following mail clients: 1. Microsoft Outlook Express v4.xx, 5.xx, 6.0 2. Microsoft Office Outlook 97, 2000, XP, 2003 3. Netscape Communicator v4.xx 4. Netscape Mail v2.xx, 3.xx 5. Eudora Lite/Pro 6. Pegasus Mail v2.xx, 3.xx.

You can import the address books in the following formats:

    • Outlook Express (Windows Address Book).
    • Microsoft Office Outlook (Contacts Folder).
    • LDIF-file.
    • Business Card(VCard).
    • Comma-separated (plain text).
    • Tab delimited (plain text).
    • INI-file.
    • Eudora Address Book.
    • Pegasus Tag File.

System requirements:

    * Runs on any Windows PC
    * The Bat! has very few system requirements. It runs on any Windows PC platform with at least 800x600 screen resolution and 256 color display. There are no minimum requirements on memory size or CPU speed.
    * Here is the list of supported operating systems:

        * Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6a (SP6a) and Internet Explorer 5.0.
        * Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 (SP4).
        * Windows XP.
        * Windows Server 2003.
        * Windows Vista.
        * Windows 7.

Changes in The Bat! Beta:

    [-] (#0008742) The "bcc=..." parameter of the mailto: URL was ignored
    [-] Option to delete messages after deletion from Trash was ignored

Copy these codes!

Code    :  
Name: tuan.cse06
Key: AQTaat+rgFAFJMKin/63LJSTlSgB6ukKh+blGxweHxVUVENN2508819A

Name: Softvnn
Key: AWsbT914Us3vmPI9y7jq3UCwYdme6rmuhOblGxweHxhzTkRX08A25E6B

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Silaq Semeton Jeri Download

PeaZip 3.8.0 Portable

PeaZip is an open source file and archive manager. It's freeware and free of charge for any use.

PeaZip can extract most of archive formats both from Windows and Unix worlds, ranging from mainstream 7Z, RAR, TAR and ZIP to experimental ones like PAQ/LPAQ family, currently the most powerful compressor available.

For archive creation, PeaZip suppors a wide range of compression and encryption standard, from fastes to most powerful ones, and allows to export job definition as scripts to bridge the gap between GUI and console applications, and let the user pick the best of the two worlds.

PeaZip has secure deletion feature, can verify file checksum and hash, and supports multiple strong encryption standards, optionally using two factor authentication (password and keyfile) for increased security:

  1. 7Z's AES256 encryption
  2. ZIP WinZip's AE encryption based on AES256 (and ZipCrypto for legacy compatibility); can decrypt PKZip's AES encryption
  3. FreeARC's ARC: AES256, Blowfish, Twofish256 and Serpent256 - this format is also capable to generate recovery records to protect data against corruption
  4. PEA: AES256 EAX authenticated encryption
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Windows 8 UX Pack 1.0

Windows 8 UX Pack will theme your Windows 7 desktop with the latest available Windows 8 User Experience. 8UXP includes Windows 8 Login Screen, Themes, Wallpapers, UserTile and much more.

M3 user interface for installation/configuration
One-click installation/configuration
UxStyle memory patching
Windows 8 Aero Glass or Lite theme
Instant M2 and M3 wallpaper/logon screen customization
UserTile with current user/wallpaper auto configured on login

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Silaq Semeton Jeri Download

EditPad Pro v7.0.1 retail iOTA

EditPad Pro is a powerful and versatile text editor or word processor. Designed to make text editing as convenient as possible, using EditPad Pro to edit text files will save you a lot of time and frustration.

A Powerful and Convenient Text Editor
EditPad Pro has a lot of functionality that makes editing text files more convenient for you. A lot of this does not sound very impressive or even works behind the scenes, but you will surely appreciate it when you need it. These are only a small number of EditPad Pro’s many little features that make heavy text editing a breeze.

With EditPad Pro you can easily open and edit many text files at the same time. There’s no limit. Arrange text files into multiple projects to open them at once and edit them together. Open all files in a folder (and its subfolders) into a project. Many of EditPad Pro’s editing commands can work on all files in a given project at once. Quickly switch between files and projects by clicking on their tabs. Move back and forth with the handy “previous editing position” and “previously edited file” commands. Manage long lists of text files and large projects with the handy file manager sidebar which can rename, move, copy and delete files.

EditPad Pro sports one of the most extensive search-and-replace features of any text editor. Quickly find the part of the file you want to edit. Highlight matches, fold lines, and skip over matches and files. Instantly make many replacements throughout a (rectangular) selection, file, project, or all files in all projects. Use regular expressions and adaptive case options for powerful and dynamic search terms and replacements. Clever use of EditPad Pro’s search-and-replace can automate much tedious editing.

Record and play back keystroke macros to reduce repetitive tasks to a single key combination. Record a search as part of a macro to instantly edit all search matches in any particular way. Save any number of macros to build your own library of high-octane text editing wizards.

EditPad Pro’s syntax highlighting is fully configurable. You can change the colors to mimic the CodeGear or Visual Studio IDE, or choose your own colors. EditPad Pro ships with large number of syntax coloring schemes, all of which are fully editable.

EditPad Pro’s File Navigator can show you a detailed layout of the file’s structure. Use it to instantly jump to the relevant part in the file. A large number of file navigation schemes for various programming languages and other file formats are included. All file navigation schemes are fully editable. You can create schemes to visualize the layout of almost any kind of file. The schemes can also make various blocks of text foldable with a single click. By folding blocks you can hide lines to get a better overview of the file’s structure, making it easier to rearrange blocks of code or navigate between them.

EditPad Pro’s Clip Collection makes it easy to keep a list of text snippets at your fingertips, ready to be inserted into the file’s you’re editing. Such a snippet can be a word, phrase, three paragraphs, half a book, or anything you want. Clips can consist of “before” and “after” parts to be inserted around a selection.

Use EditPad Pro’s built-in FTP client to upload your web pages and scripts to your web server right within EditPad Pro. You can even edit web pages directly on the server via FTP, without having to download the HTML files to your computer’s hard disk first. EditPad Pro transfers files in the background, so you’ll never have to wait for all files to download, or for a file you’ve saved to finish uploading. You can go on editing right away. EditPad Pro can stay connected to multiple servers.

Don’t worry about saving files with EditPad Pro extensive auto-save and backup options. Choose how many backup copies you want to keep and/or for how long. The File History shows you the backup copies for the current file. You can easily open and compare backups, as well as save specific milestone copies. EditPad Pro’s unlimited undo and redo even allows you to undo changes after saving them.

Compare any two files to get a view of the differences between two files, or check which changes were made between two (backup) copies of the same file. EditPad Pro can highlight difference, merge the two files, and extract the differences or similarities into new files. Very convenient for rolling back inappropriate changes you made to a file, or for double-checking the changes somebody else made to a file you sent them. You can easily send files via email right within EditPad Pro.

Use rectangular selections to easily edit columns of text. Any editing command that works on a usual linear selection also works on a rectangular selection. Shift and insert columns left and right, move blocks up and down, fill and indent blocks, etc. Handy commands to begin, end, shrink and expand selections make it easy to work with blocks spanning many pages.

Easily edit all kinds of lists with handy commands to sort lines alphabetically and delete duplicate lines. Use these commands with rectangular selections to sort and trim lists of multiple columns on one of the columns.

EditPad Pro will highlight URLs (web site addresses) and email addresses in your text files. You can easily open the web site by double-clicking the URL in EditPad Pro. Of course, you can always turn this option off.

EditPad Pro edits all text files. Open text files saved on Linux, UNIX and Macintosh computers, or even text files from old DOS PCs or IBM mainframes. EditPad Pro preserves the file’s compatibility with those systems, unless you explicitly convert it. You’ll never have to worry about being unable to open a text file, and you’ll always be able to save your files in a format that people with less flexible text editors can read. EditPad Pro handles DOS/Windows, UNIX/Linux and Macintosh line breaks. Open and save text files encoded in Unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32), any Windows code page, any ISO-8859 code page, and a variety of DOS, KOI8 and EBCDIC code pages. Convert files between any of these encodings.

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Silaq Semeton Jeri Download

Acer Aspire One 532h Netbook LiteOn Modem Driver

Processor & Chipset    
-Intel Atom Processor N450 (512KB L2 cache, 1.66GHz)

-Intel NM10 Express chipset


-Up to 250GB* hard drive
-Multi-in-one card reader:
- Supports optional MultiMediaCard, Reduced-Size MultiMediaCard, Secure Digital, Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO or xD-Picture Card
- With optional adapter supports optional Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO Duo, miniSD, microSD
-Optional external USB 1.44MB* diskette drive
*When referring to storage capacity, GB stands for one billion bytes and MB stands for one million bytes. Some utilities may indicate varying storage capacities. Total user-accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environments.

-10.1" (1024 x 600) high-brightness (200-nit) TFT LCD with LED backlight, Acer CrystalBrite Technology
-Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150
-Integrated Acer Crystal Eye webcam
-Microsoft DirectX 9.0 support
-VGA port

-Two integrated stereo speakers
-Integrated digital microphone
-Headphones/speakers/line-out and microphone ports
-High-definition audio support
-Microsoft DirectSound compatibility

Interface Ports   
-RJ-45 LAN
-Three USB 2.0

Card Slot   
-Multi-in-one card reader:
- Supports optional MultiMediaCard, Reduced-Size MultiMediaCard, Secure Digital, Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO or xD-Picture Card
- With optional adapter supports optional Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO Duo, miniSD, microSD

-Acer InviLink Nplify 802.11b/g/n wireless LAN, Acer SignalUp technology for enhanced antenna efficiency, WI-FI -CERTIFIED
-Bluetooth (select models only)
-10/100 LAN
-Integrated Acer Crystal Eye webcam

Included Software   
-Acer Launch Manager
-Acer Recovery Management
-Acer Video Conference
-Adobe Acrobat Reader
-Adobe Flash Player
-Google Toolbar
-McAfee Internet Security Suite (trial version)
-Microsoft Home & Student 2007 (60-day trial)
-Microsoft Works (full version)
-Norton Online Backup*
-Oberon Gamezone
-Windows Live Essentials
-AO532h-2268 only: Computrace LoJack for Laptops (three-month trial)
*OEM, not full-featured, version.

User Interface   
-84-key keyboard, 93% of standard-size keyboard, embedded numeric keypad, hotkey controls, international language support
-12 function, four cursor, one Windows keys
-Power button with LED
-Multi-gesture touchpad supporting two-finger scroll, pinch, rotate, flip

Dimensions & Weight   
-10.2" (258.5mm) x 7.3" (185.0mm) D x 0.99” (25.2mm) H
-2.8 lb. (1.3kg)
Size and weight may vary depending on configuration

-30-watt AC adapter with power plug

Six-cell lithium ion battery:
- 5600mAh - up to 10.0 hours life depending on configuration and usage or
- 4400mAh - up to 8.0 hours life depending on configuration and usage

It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Do not forget to check with our site as often as possible in order to stay updated on the latest drivers, software and games.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed a wrong driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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eXtra Buttons

Optimize your workspace with eXtra Buttons

eXtra Buttons is a freeware software that provides additional buttons placed in the caption of all windows.

eXtra Buttons extends standard OS functionality and looks like standard system buttons.

eXtra Buttons gives you up to 9 assorted configurable buttons to keep the desktop and windows organised.

Convenience and functionality
It is very simple to get used to eXtra Buttons. There are so many useful functional features, that you won't even notice the change of the way you work with computer.
eXtra Buttons does not need special skills for use
Using buttons as simple as using standard buttons "Minimize", "Maximize" and "Close".
eXtra Buttons is completely built into system
You won't spot any look and feel difference with standard buttons while using eXtra Buttons. And because they are using native Windows' system functions, they will always appear according to your desktop theme.
eXtra Buttons is a tightly integrated solution
eXtra Buttons works in all windows versions starting from Windows 98 and including the latest Windows 7
The set of buttons can be redefined at any moment
eXtra Buttons represents following set of additional buttons:
Always on top — places window on the top of the other windows, so that be always visible whether or not it has the focus.
Send to back — places window under others, so it will not bother you.
Copy window — starts a copy of the application in the new window.
Roll-up/Unroll — minimizes window to its caption, so you can see only caption line with the title of the window.
Minimize to Box — minimizes window and places its icon on the Desktop in adjusted arrangement.
Transparency — makes the window transparent according to adjusted level. You may adjust any default transparency level.
Percentage transparency — makes the window transparent according to percents from pop-up Transparency Menu.
Minimize to Tray — minimizes window and places its icon to System Tray.
Minimize to Tray Menu — minimizes window and places its icon to System Tray Menu.
Move to Another Monitor — places the window on another monitor.
You can always change quantity and sequence of buttons to use only what is necessary.
Applications blacklist
Add application to the blacklist if you do not want eXtra Buttons to appear.
Hot-key for each of eXtra Buttons
You may assign any valid keyboard and shift key (including <Alt> and <Ctrl>) combination for each of eXtra Buttons. Use of this combination will have the same result as clicking the button with a mouse.
eXtra Buttons starts on system startup

Requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7.

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Face Off Max- plus keygen and patch

Make fun photo by putting your face on another body using any photo or template. Haven't you ever wondered how you would look if you had another body? Wouldn't it be great to see your face in a celebrity group or on a magazine cover?

Now Face Off Max enables you to embarrass your coworkers, make yourself look cool and make your friends look like dweebs all with a few clicks of the mouse. Our amazingly simple and easy interface, step-by-step instruction and hundreds of fantastic templates allow anyone to be a professional artist. Share your creations with your friends.

What's new in this version: Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

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Cara menginstall Ubuntu 11.04

Canonical telah resmi mengumunkan kehadiran Ubuntu 11.04 beberapa hari lalu.
Seperti biasa kami telah meraih salinan dari sistem operasi yang paling dinantikan itu dan menyajikannya untuk Anda.
Sebelum menginstal Ubuntu 11.04, kami ingatkan pada Anda bahwa Ubuntu 11.04 secara default menggunkan Unity sebagai default sesi Ubuntu Desktop.
Bagi yang telah terbiasa menginstal distro Linux atau versi Ubuntu sebelumnya, proses penginstalan Ubuntu terbaru ini tidak jauh berbeda dan Anda tidak akan mengalami banyak kesulitan.

Bagi Anda yang baru pertama menginstal Ubuntu sebagai sistem operasi pada komputer yang Anda gunakan,
sebaiknya Anda memperhatikan beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum melakukan instalasi.
Hal itu perlu kami sampaikan karena sekecil apapun kesalahan yang dilakukan selama proses instalasi berpotensi menghapus atau menghilangkan data dan file-file penting lainnya dan itu tidak akan pernah dapat dikembalikan lagi. Perhatikan juga bahwa dalam simulasi penginstalan Ubuntu 11.04 ini kami menggunakan sebuah harddisk kosong berkapasitas 40GB sehingga belum ada data atau sistem operasi lain terinstal dalam harddisk tersebut.  Karenanya, bagi pemula kami menyarankan untuk menggunakan harddisk yang kosong sehingga tidak akan mengalami kesulitan dalam mengikuti tutorial ini.

Siapkan installer Ubuntu 11.04 versi Desktop, bagi yang belum memilikinya silahkan mendownload di sini lalu memburningnya kedalam sebuah CD.

Sebelum melakukan instalasi, jalankan CD Ubuntu 11.04 sebagai media boooting pertama.
pada layar selamat datang "Welcome" pilih opsi "Try Ubuntu" untuk menjalankan Ubuntu 11.04 sebagai Live CD desktop,
tujuan langkah ini adalah untuk memastikan installer dan media pembaca yang Anda gunakan dalam kondisi baik.
Langkah ini juga digunakan untuk memeriksa apakah semua perangkat pada komputer yang digunakan dapat dikenali dengan baik oleh Ubuntu.
Jika semua berjalan lancar, Anda dapat menggunakan shortcut "Install Ubuntu" yang terdapat pada desktop atau merestart komputer untuk memulai istalasi secara langsung.

Pada layar "Preparing to install Ubuntu", Ubuntu akan memeriksa kesiapan perangkat termasuk ketersediaan koneksi internet.
Pada langkah ini, jika Anda memiliki koneksi internet kami sarankan sebaiknya menonaktifkan opsi "Download update while Installing" dan "Install this third-party software" karena akan membuat proses instalasi berjalan lama.
Tekan tombol "Forward" untuk melanjutkan kelangkah berikutnya...

Pada layar "Allocate drive space" akan ada dua opsi "Erase disk and install Ubuntu" dan "Something else" jika harddisk dalam keadaan kosong. Namun jika pada harddisk sudah terdapat sistem operasi lain misalnya Ubuntu 10.10 maka opsi yang ditampilan adalah "Intstall Ubuntu 11.04 alongside Ubuntu 10.10", "Upgrade Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04", "Erase Ubuntu 10.10 and reinstall" dan "Something else". Karena pada contoh ini kami menggunakan harddisk kosong, pilih menu terakhir "Something else" untuk membuat partisi secara manual (untuk cara menginstal Ubuntu 11.04 bersama sistem operasi lain atau untuk mengupgrade Ubuntu 10.10 akan kami sampaikan dalam artikel yang berbeda). Tujuan pembuatan partisi secara manual dapat Anda baca pada artikel "Cara membuat partisi secara manual pada Ubuntu". Tekan tombol "Forward" untuk melanjutkan...

Pada layar berikutnya, harddisk yang kami gunakan dikenali sebagai "/dev/sda", tekan tombol "New Partition Table..." (karena harddisk yang digunakan masih dalam kondisi kosong) sehingga Anda akan mendapatkan sebuah "free space".

Membuat partisi swap - Pilih pada free space itu lalu tekan tombol "Add". Pada jendela "Create new partition" pilih opsi "Primary" pada "Type for the new partition:", masukkan nilai besarnya kampasitas partisi swap yang ingin Anda buat dalam satuan megabytes, misalnya 1024 pada "New partition size...". Pilih opsi "Beginning" pada "Location for...", pilih opsi "swap area" pada menu dropdown "Use as:", lalu tekan tombol "OK" untuk membuat partisi swap...

Membuat partisi / (partisi root tempat menginstal sistem) - Pilih pada free space yang masih ada lalu tekan tombol "Add". Pada jendela "Create new partition" pilih opsi "Primary" pada "Type for the new partition:", masukkan nilai besarnya kampasitas partisi "/" yang ingin Anda buat dalam satuan megabytes, misalnya 20000 pada "New partition size...". Pilih opsi "Beginning" pada "Location for...", pilih opsi "ext4journaling file system" pada menu dropdown "Use as:", pilih "/" pada menu dropdown "Mount point:" lalu tekan tombol "OK" untuk membuat partisi "/"...
Membuat partisi /home (partisi home tempat menyimpan data dan pengaturan user) - Pilih pada free space yang tersisa lalu tekan tombol "Add". Pada jendela "Create new partition" pilih opsi "Primary" pada "Type for the new partition:", masukkan nilai besarnya kampasitas partisi "/home" yang ingin Anda buat dalam satuan megabytes, misalnya 20000 atau seberapapun sisa ruang bebas yang masih ada pada "New partition size...". Pilih opsi "Beginning" pada "Location for...", pilih opsi "ext4journaling file system" pada menu dropdown "Use as:", pilih "/home" pada menu dropdown "Mount point:" lalu tekan tombol "OK" untuk membuat partisi "/home"...

Setelah semua partisi yang dibutuhkan siap, tekan tombol "Install Now" untuk memulai proses penginstalan...

Langkah selanjutnya Anda hanya akan diminta untuk memasukkan informasi pribadi yang dibutuhkan sistem. Tentukan kota tempat tinggal Anda, pilih keyboard layout yang digunakan atau biarkan dalam keadaan default.

Pada layar "Who are you?", masukkanlah semua informasi yang diperlukan. Masukkan nama lengkap Anda pada "Your name:", masukkan nama komputer yanga Anda inginkan pada "Your computer's name:" atau biarkan sistem yang menentukan, masukkan user name yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk login pada "Pick username:" atau biarkan sistem yang akan menyesuaikan denga nama Anda (sebaiknya tentukan sendiri), masukkan password yang ingin digunakan pada "Choose a password:" dan "Confirm your password:". Terakhir, pilihlah opsi bagai mana cara sistem untuk login, sebaiknya Anda memilih opsi "Require my password to log in" dan jangan memilih opsi "Encrypt my home folder" jika Anda tidak mengetahui kegunaannya.
Kini Anda tinggal menanti proses instalasi diselesaikan, restart komputer jika proses telah dinyatakan selesai dan ditampilkan dialog informasi.
Klik restart now untuk merestart komputer.
Selamat Mencoba...
Semoga Berhasil...

Anti Trojan Elite 5.4.5 full

Anti Trojan Elite is a malware remover and system security manager. 
It features a real-time malware firewall for users that can detect Trojans or key loggers that try to infect your PC. 
It can detect a vast variety of malware such as Trojans, worms, and key loggers and has a live update function that keeps it security database up to date.

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Popcap Insaniquarium Deluxe

Insaniquarium Deluxe game is an action-based genre. A small size game produced by Popcap. To won the game players must defends the fishes from aliens attack and completed all levels by reach all goals. Players can buy weapons, stuffs and other. This game fun and colorful. To be honest, I like it

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Mario is a great game, no question. This fresh platformer brings back all the gameplay elements that made the series such a noteworthy and inspiring franchise. And even though the series has made the successful leap from side-scroller to 3D platformer, the original formula still works extremely well today. New Super Mario Bros. Wii continues to prove that fact.

The Wii game lifts the efforts that went into the company's original revival on the Nintendo DS. That portable game brought the 2D platformer formula back for a new generation of gamers. The end product was a fantastic experience, mostly because -- for gamers like myself who grew up on Super Mario -- it was an incredible thrill to play through a fresh Nintendo-developed experience that captured everything we loved about the franchise. The 2006 release was docked a bit for being a bit on the easy side and offering some unbalanced Mario elements (two worlds are locked?), but ultimately it's still one of the Nintendo DS system's best titles.

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STDU Converter v2.0.97.0 and keygen

STDU Converter helps you convert DjVu, TIFF, DCX and Comic Book Archive (CBR or CBZ) to PDF by two clicks. You need only select source file and choose location for destination file.

The program converts DjVu files to PDF format without increasing the output file size and extremally decreases size, then convert B/W files of other formats.

You can select only pages, which you need to convert. You can change resolution of converted pages, rotate some page and change brightness, contrast and gamma of any page. Additionally STDU Converter gives you possibility to remove color information from page (if you prepare documents for reading on device, like Amazon Kindle or Sony PRS).

If source document doesn't have contents tree, you can create your own content or edit exisisting.

System Requirements:
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
Processor: Intel / AMD compatible at 1 GHz or higher
RAM: 512 MB or higher
Additional: GDI+ (exists on all system except Window 2000)
Administrative permissions for program installation

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Yellow Pages Spider v2.24 Retail and patch

Yellow Pages Spider is a tool that searches in the most popular "yellow pages" directories and extracts important information like business name, address, phone number and email.

With our application you can create 100% customizable searches in a browser so you can enjoy all the features of each target site. Just enter a category and location, then do a search and when you get the first page of data click the “Get Data!” button and the rest is magic! All the results will be extracted and formatted in a list that you can review before saving to a CSV file that can be imported into MS Excel or your MYSQL database.


Extract Data from websites in seconds with just one click.
The easiest way to get results after you do a search in your favorite Yellow Pages site. Just ONE click in the Get Data! button and done. You get THOUSANDS of leads ready to export to Excel.

Search 100% customizable by user in a browser.
In other tools you can't do and advanced search to get data that match your criteria. With our tool you do a search using all the filters and tools of the original site, and application will take the first page and will extract all data until the last one.

Support Websites Changes
Internet change every day. Yellow pages sites are not an exception. They change the format several times in the year. Our team will modify our software for FREE fixing any problem so you can continue using your tools forever. That's one of the main differences with other companies that don't support their clients or ask for a maintenance payment.

New Yellow Pages sources
You can search in the following countries: USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. We are working every month to add other countries. Do you want your own source listed? No problem ask to us and we can discuss an schedule to add it. We have special prices for our clients.

Support Proxies
You can use anonymous proxies to protect your identity. Other common use is when you are behind a firewall and need to enter this information to access Internet. In any case our tool allows to enter your proxy settings.

Export capabilities
After get your leads you can export them to Excel using the CSV format. You can select each item to export. Our tool also remove any duplicates before export.

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Cyber Power Audio Editing Lab v15.1.2 RES serial

Record and edit mp3, wma, wav with digital audio effects

CyberPower Audio Editing Lab is an ideal solution for audio editing and mastering.

CyberPower Audio Editing Lab contains everything you need to create great sounding recordings and audio CDs, including professional tools for recording, analysis and editing. The user interface was designed with speed, accuracy and ease of use in mind.

A large range of high quality audio tools and effects are integrated in CyberPower Audio Editing Lab, including tools for dynamic processing, equalizing, numerous effects such as echo, amplification, noise reduction, reverb, chorus and flanger, as well time stretching and key transposition tools.

Recordings distorted by noise, clicks, crackle, clipping or missing high frequency content can be restored.

Recording and playback through any windows compatible audio device
Timer and input level triggered recording
Customizable toolbars
Unlimited undo and redo levels
Ultra fast non-destructive editing engine
Standard cut, copy, paste and mix editing
Drag and drop editing
Support for bookmarks and region markers
Cleaning effect that simplifies LP or tape to CD transfers
Different time formats such as sample index, SMPTE
Regions can be saved as separate files
Level meter with peak
Time display
Real-time preview on most of the effects
New preset manager allows you to select presets for all effect
High quality time stretching
Freehand volume curves
Fade ins and outs
High quality sample format conversion
Channel mixer for stereo image adjustments
Tools include speech synthesis (text-to-speech).
Includes its own CD ripper with 'ultrafast 'rip mode and cddb music database lookup.
Batch processing supports up to 32000 files allowing you to apply effects and/or convert your files as a single function.

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New Free Download Manager

Increase your download speed and resume broken downloads
FDM accelerates downloads by splitting files into sections and then downloading them simultaneously. As a result download speed increases up to 600%, or even more! FDM can also resume broken downloads so you needn`t start downloading from the beginning after casual interruption.

Flash video download
Download video from video sites, such as Youtube, Google Video, etc. The video can then be saved in native flv format or converted to one of more popular video formats.

Enjoy easy file sharing
A built-in Upload Manager lets you upload your files easily to share them with other people. Upload manager can be easily integrated with your system (Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express).
HTTP/FTP/BitTorrent support
FDM lets you download files and whole web sites from any remote server via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP.
You can also download files using BitTorrent protocol.

GNU General Public License
Free download manager is now open source software released under GNU GPL.

Enjoy safer and more rewarding downloading
You can read what other community members say about the file you are going to download, and also leave your own opinion about the file you downloaded. In this way FDM users are always warned against useless or malicious files.

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HyperSnap 6.91.02 Final

HyperSnap is versatile and extremely easy-to-use. You can quickly customize menus and toolbars to fit your needs. Assign your own keyboard shortcuts, create instant toolbars, and even control HyperSnap with voice commands!


    * New in ver. 6 TextSnap™ feature to capture editable text from almost anywhere on the screen, when running under Windows 2000, XP, Vista or newer. Starting from ver. 6.10 can also capture tab-delimited data for easy paste into MS Excel.
    * New & powerful image capture, editing, annotation and manipulation tools.
    * Snags also those difficult-to-grab screens from DirectX™ and Glide™ games.
    * Image stamps, frames, drop shadow, free-hand capture, FTP server uploads, more!
    * Automatic color substitution!
    * Non-rectangular window capture!
    * Button Capture - perfect for professional technical writers who need to snap and document dozens of buttons!
    * Auto-scrolls and concurrently captures long web pages and other. documents, enabling it to grab more than is visible on the screen.
    * Tightly integrates with the MS Windows clipboard to automate repetitive tasks - will even automatically PASTE capture images where needed!
    * Automatically saves your captures to graphics files.
    * Doubles as effective image viewer, format converter (over 20 image formats supported).
    * Fully customizable user interface. Rearrange menus and toolbars any way you want, assign any keyboard shortcuts you like, tear off menus to create instant toolbars, even control HyperSnap with voice commands!
    * Extended Window Capture function when running on Windows XP® . Resizes a window to be much bigger than the screen before the capture - in one quick step, no auto-scrolling!
    * Much, much more!

System Requirements:

    - Operating System: Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 (including R2) or newer.
    - 10 MB of free disk space is needed to install the program (about 5 MB is actually used after the installation finishes).

Changes in version 7.00 RC2:

    - Ctrl + any key could not be registered as a hot key in previous v.7 versions.
    - Starting minimized to system tray with in menu mode - the menu was missing completely.
    - Capture Active Window function did not work from the system tray right-click menu.
    - Registering HyperSnap 7 to open file extensions did not work.
    - "Windows" menu on "Setup" ribbon tab was messed up.
    - Some buttons that drop down a menu, e.g. User Tools on "Image" tab, were not working if you made HyperSnap window small enough to hide parts of some groups in the ribbon.
    - Fixes to the install/uninstall program, e.g. uninstall would not delete some files even after a reboot.
    - Added an item to the "View" menu (with the classic menu interface) to show/hide the thumbnails list.
    - Probably some more fixes that I forgot by now...

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Gmail Notifier Pro 2.4.1

Gmail Notifier Pro is a Windows application capable of checking multiple Gmail accounts for new mail and display notifications.

When new mail or news arrives, a visual notification is displayed and optionally a sound is played to alert the user.

Gmail Notifier Pro gives a complete overview of all unread mail and news for all configured accounts.

Feature highlights:

Professional Gmail Notifier

Check multiple Gmail accounts, including Google Apps, for new mail.
Supports both Atom and IMAP protocols for mail.


Supports customizable themes and individual account settings, making Gmail Notifier Pro the best looking Gmail notifier on the web!

Mail Features

Read, write, reply, preview and save attachments, mark as read and delete mail without the web browser. Supports Google Contacts.

Google Calendar

Integration with Google Calendar accounts gives reminders for calendar events.

Google News, Google Reader & RSS

Get news notifications from Google News & Google Reader.
Supports RSS/Atom feeds to get notifications from any news source.


Gmail Notifier Pro provides many easy-to-use features and settings. Define schedules when to check for mail and display notifications.


In addition to the installation package, Gmail Notifier Pro can also run from a USB-stick without any installation.

Automatic Updates

Gmail Notifier Pro supports automatic updates. A new version can be downloaded and installed with a single click.


Secure account management and encrypted connections (HTTPS / SSL) are used. 100% FREE from virus, spyware and adware.


Gmail Notifier Pro is simply the best Gmail notifier for Windows. Supports 32-bit & 64-bit Windows XP, Windows Vista & Windows 7.

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Driver Sweeper 3.1.0

Driver Sweeper keeps your PC stable and fast with advanced driver removal that ensures the maximal performance of your PC. Driver Sweeper avoids driver conflicts and system failures by removing all previous driver entries.
Combined with additional features such as backups and a desktop icon manager, Driver Sweeper offers a complete solution to all your driver needs.

Key Features:
  1. Scan and Remove - Scan for driver entries on your system and remove the entries you actually want to remove.
  2. Desktop Icons - Backup the positions of your desktop icons and restore them after the new drivers are installed. No manual arrangement of your desktop icons anymore after a new driver installation.
  3. Custom Filters - Create custom filters for other drivers or extend the shipped filters of Driver Sweeper.
  4. Log Files - View detailed information about the removed driver entries.
  5. Backup Manager - Driver Sweeper automatically creates a backup of the drivers you selected to remove. You can restore all removed entries if you want to revert to a previous driver version.
  6. Parameters - Use parameters to completely automate the cleaning process.
  7. Themes - There are five different themes to choose from to customize Driver Sweeper to your liking.
  8. Free - Driver Sweeper is completely free of charge!
Operating Systems: Any Windows version (32-bit and 64 bit) with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 or higher installed.

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MathMagic Pro Edition For Adobe InDesign v4.81.10 Incl Keymaker AGAiN

MathMagic Pro Edition for Adobe InDesign is composed of
MathMagic Pro application, Mac or Windows
MathMagic Plug-ins for Adobe InDesign 2.0~CS4, Mac or Windows
MathMagic fonts(TrueType & PostScript, and OpenType)
MathMagic Plug-in provides you with the user interface(a menu and a tool button) which enables you to create and edit equations inside the InDesign document.

Then, it communicates with the external MathMagic Pro application seamlessly.
You can make any equations with MathMagic Pro application very fast, and then send back to InDesign. MathMagic Plug-in allows you to place equations inside a text box as inline graphics, or floating graphic objects in EPS format. Once created, all equations are handled by InDesign just like other EPS graphic objects. But you can still edit those equations anytime just by double-clicking on it.

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Super Utilities Pro 9.9.50 plus keygen and patch

Super Utilities offers 28 tools for fixing, speeding up, maintaining, and protecting your PC. Super Utilities - Make your computer run faster, safer, with greater privacy and security. With only a few minutes of tweaking, Super Utilities will optimize the performance of your computer, corrects problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs. Super Utilities (for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista) is a collection of tools to fix, speed up, and maintain your PC! These utilities include Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner, Uninstall Plus, StartUp Manager, Folder Guard, Tracks Washer, Driver Backup, Auto Shutdown, Windows Manager and Process Manager. With a cool and user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use Super Utilities.

Full service for your windows PC
  1. Super Utilities offers 28 tools for cleaning,fixing, speeding up, maintaining, and protecting your PC.
  2. System Cleaner: Make your PC faster, more stable, and more efficient by cleaning and optimizing your hard drive, memory, software, and Windows Registry.
  3. Security Doctor: Protect your PC from thousands of potential spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers and tracking threats.
  4. Privacy Protector: Keep your sensitive information safe from prying eyes.
  5. System Maintenance: Easily perform complicated system maintenance tasks, and keep your computer running quickly and smoothly.
  6. Special Tools: More easy-to-use tools that make your computing safer and more efficient.
  7. More windows utilities will be added.
  8. Disk Cleaner. Get rid of junk files on your PC
  9. Registry Cleaner. Clean and optimize your system registry
  10. Uninstall Plus. Completely uninstall any software
  11. Memory Turbo. Recover, defragment, & optimize system memory
  12. Shortcuts Repairer. Find and fix broken shortcuts
  13. Spyware Removal. Remove spyware, adware, trojans, and keyloggers
  14. StartUp Organizer. Start-up Windows faster
  15. Super Task Manager. Take control of all running processes
  16. Service Manager. Take control of all windows services
  17. BHO Cleaner. Remove unwanted browser helper objects
  18. IE Password Manager. Manage passwords and AutoComplete strings of IE
  19. Hide Folder. Hide your files and folders
  20. Tracks Washer. Cover the tracks you leave behind
  21. IE Privacy Manager. Manage typed URLS and history items of IE
  22. Super ExeLock. Password protect your programs
  23. Super Shredder. Securely delete sensitive information
  24. SuperMenu Guard. Protect favorite sites and start menu
  25. Windows Manager. Tailor windows to meet your individual needs
  26. IE Protector. Protect the settings of Internet Explorer
  27. Driver Backup. Grab all of your drivers, and store them for you in a safe place
  28. File Type Manager. A sophisticated file type management tool
  29. Windows Tools. Several essential utilities of windows
  30. System Information. Gather information about your hardware and software
  31. Auto Shutdown. A complete shutdown, restart, and logoff manager
  32. Folder Analyzer. Find out where all your hard drive space went
  33. Super Undelete. Recover deleted files
  34. Super Shell. A unique handy collection of tools
  35. Super Mounter. Mount ISO file as virtual CD-ROM

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Artikel Agama

Dakwah adalah satu kata yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita. Dari sudut bahasa, dakwah artinya mengajak atau menyeru. Adapun istilah dakwah yang biasa kita gunakan memiliki pengertian yang lebih khusus: mengajak dan menyeru manusia ke jalan Allah (da’watun naas ilallah). Ini artinya sangat luas, yakni mengajak dari kekafiran kepada keimanan, dari syirik kepada tauhid, dari kesesatan kepada petunjuk, dari kebodohan kepada ilmu, dari kehidupan jahiliyah kepada kehidupan islami, dari kemaksiatan kepada ketaatan, dari bid’ah kepada sunnah, dari keburukan kepada kebaikan.

Adapun yang kita ajak adalah manusia seluruhnya, orang lain yang ada di sekitar kita. Orang kafir kita dakwahi agar mendapatkan hidayah keimanan dari Allah. Bahkan sesama muslim pun perlu didakwahi karena ternyata masih sangat banyak umat muslim yang suka melanggar ajaran agama.

Dari pengertian dakwah yang seperti ini, sebetulnya dakwah itu sangat luas. Dakwah tidak hanya terbatas pada ceramah agama dan tabligh akbar. Segala usaha dan upaya yang kita lakukan untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan dakwah sebagaimana tersebut diatas adalah dakwah. Karena itu, dakwah sebetulnya bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai macam cara, mulai dari yang paling sederhana seperti memberi nasihat kepada teman kita, memberikan sedikit ilmu yang kita ketahui kepada orang lain, atau memberikan keteladanan yang baik.

Nah, dengan pemahaman seperti ini, sebetulnya semua orang bisa berdakwah. Dakwah bukan monopoli para ustadz atau para kyai. Siapapun bisa berdakwah, tentu saja sesuai dengan kapasitas dan kemampuannya masing-masing. Inilah makna dari sabda Rasulullah saw: Ballighuu ‘annii walau aayat ‘Sampaikan dariku meski hanya satu ayat.’ Ini artinya, jika engkau tahu satu ayat, sampaikan satu ayat. Jika engkau tahu dua ayat, sampaikan dua ayat. Demikian seterusnya. Jangan sampai kita tahu satu ayat – apalagi lebih – tetapi kita diam saja atau bahkan menyembunyikannya.

Sebetulnya, dakwah dalam pengertian yang luas seperti ini bukan hanya bisa dilakukan oleh semua orang, tetapi semestinya harus dilakukan oleh semua orang. Bukankah Allah Ta’ala telah menegaskan dalam QS Al-‘Ashr bahwa yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap orang agar tidak merugi, setelah beriman dan beramal shalih, adalah saling menasihati dalam kebenaran dan kesabaran, yang tidak lain adalah dakwah itu sendiri.

Lebih dari sebuah kewajiban, dakwah sejatinya memiliki banyak keutamaan. Pertama, dakwah adalah tugas utama para rasul (muhimmatul rusul). Seluruh nabi dan rasul, tanpa kecuali, diutus oleh Allah dengan tugas utama untuk berdakwah. Dan keutamaan dakwah terletak  pada disandarkannya kerja dakwah ini kepada manusia yang paling utama dan mulia yakni para nabi dan rasul.

Selanjutnya, mari kita perhatikan firman Allah berikut ini:

قُلْ هَذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللَّهِ عَلَى بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي وَسُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَمَا أَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ

“Katakanlah (hai Muhammad): ‘Inilah jalanku. Aku dan orang-orang yang mengikutiku berdakwah  kepada Allah dengan hujah yang nyata. Maha Suci Allah, dan aku tiada termasuk orang-orang yang musyrik”. (Yusuf [12]: 108).

Ayat ini menegaskan bahwa orang-orang yang mengikuti Rasulullah saw adalah orang-orang yang mengambil dakwah sebagai jalan hidupnya. Ini artinya, jika kita ingin menjadi pengikut Rasulullah saw maka tidak bisa tidak kita harus mau berdakwah.

Kedua, dakwah adalah amal perbuatan yang terbaik (ahsanul a’mal). Allah SWT berfirman:

وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ قَوْلًا مِمَّنْ دَعَا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا وَقَالَ إِنَّنِي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ

“Siapakah yang lebih baik perkataannya daripada orang yang berdakwah (menyeru) kepada Allah, mengerjakan amal yang saleh, dan berkata: ‘Sesungguhnya aku termasuk orang-orang yang berserah diri?” (Fushilat [41]: 33).

Sayyid Quthb berkata dalam Fi Zhilal Al-Quran: “Sesungguhnya kalimat dakwah adalah kalimat terbaik yang diucapkan di bumi ini, ia naik ke langit di depan kalimat-kalimat baik lainnya. Akan tetapi ia harus disertai dengan amal shalih yang membenarkannya, dan disertai penyerahan diri kepada Allah…”

Ketiga, dakwah akan diganjar oleh Allah dengan balasan yang besar dan berlipat ganda. Marilah kita simak sabda-sabda Rasulullah saw berikut ini:

“Orang yang menunjukkan kepada kebaikan seperti orang yang melakukannya.” (HR Ahmad, Abu Ya’la, dan Ibnu Abid Dunya)

“Siapa yang mencontohkan perbuatan baik dalam Islam, lalu perbuatan itu setelahnya dicontoh (orang lain), maka akan dicatat untuknya pahala seperti pahala orang yang mencontohnya tanpa dikurangi sedikit pun pahala mereka yang mencontoh nya. (HR. Muslim dari Jarir bin Abdillah ra).

“Demi Allah, sesungguhnya Allah SWT menunjuki seseorang karena (dakwah)mu maka itu lebih bagimu daripada unta merah.” (Bukhari, Muslim & Ahmad). Unta merah adalah kendaraan yang paling mewah dan paling dibanggakan di zaman Nabi.

Rasulullah saw berkata kepada Ali ra: “Wahai Ali, sesungguhnya Allah SWT menunjuki seseorang dengan usaha kedua tanganmu, maka itu lebih bagimu dari tempat manapun yang matahari terbit di atasnya (lebih baik dari dunia dan isinya). (HR. Al-Hakim dalam Al-Mustadrak).

“Sesungguhnya Allah swt memberi banyak kebaikan, para malaikat-Nya, penghuni langit dan bumi, sampai semut-semut di lubangnya dan ikan-ikan selalu mendoakan orang-orang yang mengajarkan kebaikan kepada orang lain.” (HR. Tirmidzi dari Abu Umamah Al-Bahili). Subhanallah, berapakah jumlah malaikat, semut dan ikan yang ada di dunia ini? Bayangkan betapa besar kebaikan yang diperoleh oleh seorang da’i dengan doa mereka semua!

Imam Tirmidzi setelah menyebutkan hadits diatas lalu mengutip ucapan Fudhail bin ‘Iyadh yang mengatakan: “Seorang yang berilmu, beramal dan mengajarkan (ilmunya) akan dipanggil sebagai orang besar (mulia) di kerajaan langit.”

Keempat, dakwah pada saat yang sama adalah nasihat bagi diri sendiri. Dengan demikian, sebelum dakwah itu bermanfaat bagi orang yang didakwahi, dakwah sudah memberikan manfaat kepada orang yang berdakwah itu sendiri. Dengan berdakwah, seseorang akan terpacu untuk senantiasa belajar, dan terpacu untuk beramal shalih sebagaimana yang ia dakwahkan kepada orang lain. Dengan berdakwah, seseorang juga akan memiliki rasa malu kepada Allah, diri sendiri, dan orang lain. Ia akan merasa malu jika ia tidak melaksanakan ketaatan sebagaimana yang ia dakwahkan. Ini tentu saja merupakan faktor positif yang akan mendorong seseorang untuk bisa bertahan menjadi orang yang baik.

Kelima, dakwah merupakan penyelamat dari adzab Allah. Allah SWT berfirman:

وَإِذْ قَالَتْ أُمَّةٌ مِنْهُمْ لِمَ تَعِظُونَ قَوْمًا اللَّهُ مُهْلِكُهُمْ أَوْ مُعَذِّبُهُمْ عَذَابًا شَدِيدًا قَالُوا مَعْذِرَةً إِلَى رَبِّكُمْ وَلَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَّقُونَ -فَلَمَّا نَسُوا مَا ذُكِّرُوا بِهِ أَنْجَيْنَا الَّذِينَ يَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ السُّوءِ وَأَخَذْنَا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا بِعَذَابٍ بَئِيسٍ بِمَا كَانُوا يَفْسُقُونَ

“Mengapa kamu menasehati kaum yang Allah akan membinasakan mereka atau mengazab mereka dengan azab yang amat keras?” Mereka menjawab: “Agar kami mempunyai alasan (pelepas tanggung jawab) kepada Tuhanmu , dan supaya mereka bertakwa. Maka tatkala mereka melupakan apa yang diperingatkan kepada mereka, Kami selamatkan orang-orang yang melarang dari perbuatan jahat dan Kami timpakan kepada orang-orang yang zalim siksaan yang keras, disebabkan mereka selalu berbuat fasik. (Al-A’raf (7): 163-165).

Dalam ayat diatas, dengan tegas dinyatakan bahwa meskipun suatu masyarakat sudah sangat sulit diajak menjadi baik, kita tetap harus memberikan nasihat, agar kita mempunyai alasan dihadapan Allah yang bisa menyelamatkan kita dari adzab-Nya yang dahsyat. Jika ini tidak kita lakukan, maka bersiap-siaplah menerima adzab Allah yang akan ditimpakan secara merata, menimpa orang yang zhalim dan juga orang yang baik.

وَاتَّقُوا فِتْنَةً لَا تُصِيبَنَّ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْكُمْ خَاصَّةً وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ

“Dan peliharalah dirimu dari pada siksaan yang tidak khusus menimpa orang-orang yang zalim saja di antara kamu. dan ketahuilah bahwa Allah Amat keras siksaan-Nya.” (QS Al-Anfal [8]: 25)

Absennya dakwah di tengah-tengah masyarakat juga akan mengakibatkan doa-doa kita tidak lagi didengar oleh Allah SWT, sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah saw: “Demi Dzat yang jiwaku berada di tangan-Nya, kalian harus melakukan amar ma’ruf dan nahi munkar, atau Allah akan menurunkan hukuman dari-Nya kemudian kalian berdoa kepada-Nya dan Dia tidak mengabulkan doa kalian.” (HR Tirmidzi, beliau berkata: hadits ini hasan).

Dan keenam, dakwah merupakan jalan menuju khairu ummah (umat terbaik). Allah SWT berfirman:

كُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَلَوْ آمَنَ أَهْلُ الْكِتَابِ لَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُمْ مِنْهُمُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَأَكْثَرُهُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ

Kalian adalah umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, menyuruh kepada yang ma’ruf, mencegah dari yang munkar, dan beriman kepada Allah. Sekiranya ahli kitab beriman, tentulah itu lebih baik bagi mereka, di antara mereka ada yang beriman, dan kebanyakan mereka adalah orang-orang yang fasik. (QS Ali ‘Imran [3]: 110)

Dalam ayat diatas, dijelaskan dengan gamblang bahwa umat terbaik adalah umat yang menyuruh kepada yang ma’ruf, mencegah dari yang munkar, dan beriman kepada Allah, yang tidak lain adalah dakwah itu sendiri.

Demikianlah sekian banyak keutamaan-keutamaan dakwah, yang membuat kita sadar bahwa lebih dari sebuah kewajiban, dakwah adalah kebutuhan kita sendiri. Karena itu, marilah setiap kita mengambil peran dan porsi dalam dakwah sesuai dengan kemampuan kita masing-masing. Allahu akbar! [Abdur Rosyid]

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